GI Days

What’s your typical dosing // method for MAC cases in GI suite?

New CA1 have only done one day in GI suite with a CA3 but anticipate a full day this week. I’ll be in the inpatient GI suite with sick patients. First day this past week most of my patients did well with a bolus of 30-50 mg prop + lido then start a neo / prop gtt at about 80 mcg/kg/min. This GI suite does the time out with their patient awake then they want to start immediately after I bolus. Some patients go apneic, one of the sicker patients that day went from a map of 75 pre induction to 50 within a few minutes requiring multiple blouses of neo and epi. Are GI days an art or is their a simple algorithm you all approach with limited issues. Curious how you all approach GI days. Thanks