Permanent Partial Disability… What should I expect
I’m going to give the dated bullet points below with the month and year:
— 06/22: Fell off ladder and sustained right ankle injury, went on Workers Compensation. — 07/22: Orthopedic recommended physical therapy. I contacted insurance and they ignored the physical therapy request multiple times. — 09/22: Returned to work. — 09/22-04/24: I work the whole time but every day I experience discomfort, constantly popping my ankle for relief. Just worked through the pain. — 04/24: My coworker recommends that I speak with his attorney because I’m approaching 2 years since the incident, so if not, I will never be able to make a claim. — 05/24: I meet with lawyer, and he takes on my case. — 06/24: Lawyer tells me he received a Settlement offer from insurance, but doesn’t tell me the amount. He tells me that PPD is what we want to go for. I listen, no questions asked. — 09/24: I am approved for Physical Therapy (10 Sessions). — 09/24: I get an MRI done and the results show that I have a “Traumatic Rupture of the Posterior Tibial Tendon” — Physical Therapy tells me this can be pretty serious. — 10/24: My lawyer schedules me for injury ratings (I forget the exact name) with the insurance’s doctor and my lawyers doctor. I believe he mentions that with my injury, he estimates I’d be somewhere around 20-30%. — 01/25: I see both doctors and currently awaiting their scores…
Now, my lawyer tells me that this official injury rating between the doctors can take awhile.
My questions are:
1) How long does this typically take? 2) Am I entitled to back pay for all of the time that passes since I’ve been working with this injury? 3) Does anyone have an estimate of an amount that I should receive? 4) How does PPD work in my case? Will I be receiving extra funds in each paycheck like my lawyer had indicated? 5) How long can I expect to receive funds for?
I am curious about all of this and would greatly appreciate any feedback on the matter. I am newly married, moved into a new home 6 months ago, and had our first baby 5 months ago… so a lot has happened in the past year! My son has a weak stomach so his formula is very expensive and has taken quite the toll on my wife and I. It would be great to have an idea of what we could expect from all of this. My lawyer promised that we will definitely be getting something, but I literally have no clue on a number because I’m too prideful to ask, because I don’t want to appear needy. I believe him when he says that we will win the case because he said that over 95% of these cases get resolved, and the only way he gets paid is if I get paid.
Thank you!
Oh, and if it helps at all, here is my job description:
I am 29 and I am a Telecommunications Apprentice currently in my 4th year of the Apprenticeship with the IBEW.
At the time of the injury, I was a 1st year Apprentice getting paid $17.50 an hour. Since then, I’ve gotten 3 yearly raises bringing me to $30 an hour. At the end of this year, I will get my final pay bump to $40 an hour.
I am also in the US Army Reserves, finishing out my 12th year of service this coming April… and yes, this injury has impeded of my ability to run and train for the past couple of years. My ankle isn’t what it used to be. 😔. But it’s getting there! Slowly but surely.