Thoughts on players that cannot “win” without playing the “best agent”.

Hello guys. My duo is in hard crisis now when his clove is getting nerfed, and have been complaining about her nerf. Just like he did when Cypher got hard nerfed, and Jett, and Chamber all got hard nerfed. He is asking me “why Riot is targeting only his agents”. And even if I tell him “You can play these agents just fine even with the nerfs” he react more extreme with that it completely destroys his ability to climb.

At the same time he was P3 once some acts ago when Chamber was mega broken in comp, and have been bragging about it for years, and now he can’t even get over from gold to platinum without getting his agent nerfed.

It feels like I’m trying really hard to just help him just play what he enjoys rather than blaming riot for hos egoistic views. Kinda wish there was something I could say to him without him complaining about something constantly negatively.

And yes if you read this, cause I know you read reddit, I’m fed up with your complaints.