Alternatives to A-Levels?
I’m currently trying to work out what I want to do with my life. I started an environmental science course this academic year and absolutely loved the course content but dropped out because I was unable to keep up with the speed of the course. I have also had a year of horrible mental health issues, so it’s been great!😊(not).
I have been looking at doing zoology at university level but I need other qualifications first. My environmental science course was two years and would have been equivalent to three A-levels and got me into university (assuming I had got decent grades).
I’m autistic and missed a decent chunk of education due to the pile of rubbish that the education system is for neurodivergent people so I’m working at just above GCSE level in most areas. I got very good GCSEs, but only two sciences. I have equivalent to a 4 in English and maths.
I’m looking for any information on my options from here. Has anyone taken an alternative route (no a-levels) to zoology? If so, was it difficult? Was the course you took fast paced? Is a university course going to be that fast paced?
Thanks for any advice!