Girlfriend worried (Mexican citizen) that she won’t be able to come to America after marriage.
My girlfriend of over 2 years is worried that once we marry she will not be able to come to America. We’re planning out our wedding right now, but with families in different countries it’s not the easiest. So we’re figuring out logistics in that sense. At the end of it all I know our wedding will be held in Mexico. She is greatly worried about Donald trump making it more difficult for her. I am trying to ease her worry that this is not the case. Yes, I know there are many people that are vulnerable, but I do not believe our situation is within this concern. She has never been to the United States (therefor never abused/ violated immigration laws). I’ve spoken to an immigration lawyer and she says my gf will conduct her process in Mexico at a U.S. embassy. Which is fine since she lives basically in Mexico City (Ecatepec). We have been dating over 2 years, have receipts of me traveling to Mexico every month for one week. Pictures, the lot. So the proof of our relationship is there. I think once we get close to having wedding plans set then we should get a joint bank account to the very least. (Which I’m not sure if it would be possible for her and me in the US or her and me in Mexico for best results). She currently works for the Mexican government and is in charge of billings of all federal buildings for the entirety of Mexico. She has no criminal record, no tattoos, nothing that would insinuate “criminal”. She does have some family that was involved with a cartel, but the uncle was murdered when she was young, and the son of the uncle is basically rejected from her immediate family. And the cousin is already barred from entering America. So her immediate family has no ties or relation to any crime syndicates. Her bank account isn’t necessarily large due to the fact that the Mexican government pays her around 600$ per month. (I’m not sure if her finance is considered). But she has no bills since she lives with her family. Once we marry I will submit the marriage certificate in the US as well as Mexico. All the usual denials with spousal GC don’t seem to apply to her at all. I understand people are worried now and exclaim their deportation worries, but it seems lots of people leave out crucial information to create more worry to others, and or they exclaim very legal reasons as to why they would either deal with deportation or denial.
If there is any other information that may be pertinent I can provide it. But from the brief conversation with the immigration lawyer and information on government websites it doesn’t seem as if she should have a genuine worry. She’s never done anything to put herself in the basket of people that should worry. If I am wrong then tell me. I don’t seek political bias info and I don’t care what your political affiliation is. I just simply want to know based on this situation if she has a genuine worry. I’m seeking to calm her down, not speak to her about politics that don’t involve our own situation.
Edit: regarding schooling she has a bachelors from an accredited university in Mexico City. It slightly confuses me due to the difference of college in the US and Mexico. She graduated and walked, but she says she must complete her thesis to gain her “title”. So she is finished with classes, walked on stage, but needs to complete her thesis. I am not positive if this means that she has an American equivalent of a bachelors already, or if this comes after her thesis is submitted. I myself am currently still in college (4 classes left before I graduate).
As well, I currently work part time so the sponsorship is quite vague at the moment. My previous job the income amount greatly exceeded the requirement, but I changed jobs. So depending on the timeline I’m not positive if my dad would be considered the sponsor (150,000+ per year) or if I should take a break from school and increase my hours for one year to meet the requirements for sponsorship. I do make majority of my money trading within the stock market which allows me to work part time and travel to Mexico every month for a week each month. I’m not positive as to whether financial investments are included in the sponsorship requirement due the to fact that it’s not a consistent number, unlike a w-2.