Do I resign?

I am 25, I have multiple disabilities and did well at school to a university level but really struggle socially - I feel very behind mentally.

I have been working for seven months in a basic admin job. I have been making mistakes but try to correct and learn from them as you do, it makes me incredibly anxious to know I make mistakes as I am conscious of my disabilities and my self esteem is through the floor.

I am constantly second guessing myself and feel dreadful. There have been a few negative comments made that relate to me (but aren’t directed to me iygwim) and I don’t feel my colleagues trust me to do my job due to a substantial mistake I have supposedly made, there are also discussions of replacing my role (prior to this discussion). I say supposedly because I can’t be sure, they have said I have made a mistake but so far it looks like I’ve done my job and I feel like I have too - but like I said I’m always second guessing. I have been asked by family members if I think I am being pushed out, I don’t know, I don’t really understand.

I feel sick every time I walk through the door, I cry at work, I dread waking up for work in the morning. This started when I got the job before all the stupid mistakes but now it’s just worse. I’ve been advised to go on sick but I don’t want to as it means going back lol

I get PIP and UC and wouldn’t struggle if I left the role but then would have to find work again and it took so long to find this role the thought of it upsets me and I also just feel like a huge failure who struggles with basic shit and just leeches off of others :( I miss not worrying about this shit man