#MarriageStrike is trending in India and I don't know what to feel

It is being popularized by men who believe that marital rape should not be criminalized in India.

This is their justification "The term "marriage strike" refers to a movement by young men not to marry, for fear of financial ruin from subsequent divorce and false cases."

Another reasoning: Twitter

Fuck these people who want to deny women the basic bodily autonomy and those who thing marital rape = sex.

Thankful I'm not married to one of those bozos.

Edit: Thank you for all the awards.

I just wanted to share my frustration with like-minded people and didn't expect this to blow up. India is a hellhole for women and I am always scared. So scared that I lock myself in my room whenever I am alone in my apartment.

This would be a small step towards helping us and I am thankful that this is in the works.

Edit 2: Some relevant articles - 1, 2