Inspired by Pat's D&D escapades, what are some of YOUR personal TTRPG horror stories?
Self-explanatory title, so I'll begin with mine.
Years ago, me and a friend got invited to a game of Hunter: The Reckoning by an acquaintance we weren't that familiar with but frequent similar circles. We would go to his house every Saturday to play and he would DM.
Things went weird immediately. The character I was making was a catholic priest with a sordid past and boxing experience, so I built him accordingly. Immediately the DM kinda belittled me for not giving my priest lying skills. And you might think "Oh you mean he was joking around about it?". No. I vividly remember, he raised his voice and looked at me like I was his kid and he caught me writing on the walls. My gave me a look to confirm that yes, that happened and yes, that was weird.
As the game progressed, this DM then proceeded to unleash the fury of Hell upon me. All the other players were playing a normal TTRPG, I was playing Kaizo Mario. Most of my rolls were fumbles, all my actions were met with talkback or snark, every bad thing that could happend, happened. And I know that WoD is kinda like that, but if you were at that table, it would strike out to you how this DM was clearly singling you out.
It was a few days later that I looked at the guy's facebook page and everything became clear. You see, the guy was an Atheist. And I don't mean he was a normal guy who just happened to be an Atheist. I mean he was one of THOSE guys. The kind of guy who makes fun of you for having a religion but puts non stop images on facebook that say "PRAISE SCIENCE" or "WE SHOULD BUILD TEMPLES TO SCIENTISTS" or "THANK SCIENCE FOR THIS". The kind of guy who smells religion like a shark smells blood in the water and charges at you with unrelenting smug. THAT guy. He just had a bone to pick with me for making my character a priest, and instead of talking it out like a normal person, he decided to punish me by making the game as unfun as possible for me. Suffice to say, he succeeded and I quit the game before session 2.