The gym cope culture in Tunisia
Gym culture in Tunisia promotes physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle, but its also creating a lie that working out is the magical solution to all problems both physical and mental.
"just go to the gym bro"
Which gives people false expectations and sells them a dream that doesn't exist.
In this post I'm going to critique a few corners of this topic based on research and personal experience.
I: Illusion of hard-work
II: Muscles and male attractiveness
III: Social isolation
IV: Total health
V: Financial exploitation
VI: Illusion of control
I/ The illusion of hard work (overlooking genetics and biology)
1) Building muscle is mainly genetic just like everything in this world. Not everyone has the same starting point nor potential. Someone can put half the effort you put and eat half what you eat and still come out with better results. 2 People can eat the same food and run the same program but still come out with completely different results which is something alot of gym goers completely disregard.
=> This disregard of reality and these false expectations can lead to frustration , body dysmorphia or unhealthy behaviors like supplement abuse, overwork and steroid use. Which are really common these days.
A study on hand grip strength reported a heritability estimate of approximately 65%,
genetic factors account for 55% to 80% of the variance in muscle mass indices
Genetic aspects of skeletal muscle
Heritability of Testosterone Levels
2) The fake struggle:
Most teens that workout have this scenario in their head that the gym is this hard struggle and battle, while working out is damn near the easiest thing. You just go blast
music, hit your sets and leave, if anything its literally fun.
II/The muscles = attractiveness illusion :
1) Contribution of the face and body to overall attractiveness (Aka no gym for your face): \published in Animal Behaviour in 2007])
-Research shows that Facial structure predicts overall attractiveness more strongly than body attractiveness, especially in males. (Face Dominance)
2) Importance of Height and Frame in bodily attractiveness: \Research from Texas A&M International University])
-This research revealed that women rated taller men with larger shoulder-to-hip ratios (SHR) as more attractive, masculine, dominant, and capable of fighting. These traits are believed to reflect men's genetic quality.
Muscle does not increase attractiveness for short men
Face dominance on overall attractiveness
Taller men with larger shoulder-to-hip ratios (SHR) as more attractive
=>The heritable factor always rank higher in terms of attractiveness because Most men can build up their physiques in the gym. There's nothing special about it.
What matters most are genetic traits like the holy trinity (Face / Height / Frame).
III/ Social Isolation ( US vs Them mentality )
People outside the gym culture who have different goals are viewed as lazy, undisciplined and weak which creates the classic "us vs. them" mentality.
This Self-Centered Focus becomes isolating because it focuses on individual achievement (the grind) over social milestones and collective well being.
=> A person becomes devoted to working out while neglecting social or family commitments. Aka "I don't party, date or have fun because I'm busy picking up heavy metal in the gym"
IV/ Total health:
The belief that working out alone compensates for poor diet, inadequate sleep, or other unhealthy habits and that working out can cure mental illness like anxiety and depression. Which are largely linked to genetic components and trauma.
=> While it can help a little bit, its not a cure it only acts as a mask or a temporary high that offers short term relief just like drugs.
V/ Financial exploitation :
+Expensive memberships , supplement and generic coaching. Many gym brands and so called "coaches" exploit culture pushing these complex training programs, misinformation and miracle products that are gonna make you healthier and more muscular while in reality it only comes down to your muscle and hormonal genetics.
+"Testosterone boosting" and Body building courses that contain generic knowledge that can be literally found within 10 mins of digging on the internet.
VI/ The Illusion of Control + conclusion :
Fitness without a doubt can empower people, but it cannot solve complex personal, or societal problems. A lot of people feel strong in the gym but still struggle with relationships, work, and self esteem outside of it. Which transforms the gym from a way to become fit to a coping mechanism.
Going to the gym is a good idea, don't let it consume you.