The best course of action for unattractive beta males is to utilize the sugar dating and passport bro strategies.

A lot of unattractive beta males are in a position where they are well-educated, high-achieving, and very successful career-wise, but have been plagued by social and romantic failure throughout their entire life. Traditionally, such a man would eventually settle down and become a betabux, and even though his wife would resent him and feel zero attraction to him, she would still perform her gender role and care for him/have his kids.

But now? Now in the world where women are overwhelmingly misandrists who hate men, and are unpleasant, entitled, and narcissistic beyond imagination, the reward for becoming a betabux is growing less day by day. This is compounded by society's increased social atomization, which reduces the social pressure for a man to partner up. These two factors combined have essentislly removed all incentive for betabuxxing.

However, with dating apps becoming more common and traveling being extremely easy, now is the best time ever for sugar dating. Once you do this, dating is 1000x easier. You have a 10:1 M:F ratio in normal dating but 1:10 ratio in sugar dating. You're no longer a dancing monkey trying to impress the woman, she's now contorting herself in circles trying to impress YOU so you can give her more money. The power dynamic is completely inverted now, and it's just a much more pleasant experience. Naturally it then makes sense to passport bro too- you're essentially still sugar dating, just for much cheaper (and sometimes even for free, via the nebulous hanging fruit of your passport). Ironically, it also turns out that spending tens of thousands of dollars on sugar babies and trips to Southeast Asia will be cheaper in the long run, because you won't be getting divorced and losing millions of dollars.

Of course, there will be women in the comments talking about "muh true love" or "hurr durr sugaring is transactional". Here's the thing though, as an unattractive beta male your relationships will be transactional anyway, so might as well accept it and move to a dating market in which the power dynamic is in your favor.

Men will be rebutting with the "natural desire for female validation" claim, but I strongly believe it's been socially conditioned to be much stronger than it's natural state. Think about it logically- what utility is there for the desire of such a shallow, fickle creature? If men DID naturally crave female validation so much, why have there been trillions of dollars spent on propaganda conditioning men into being dependent on it? I strongly believe that with enough therapy and self reflection, all men can unlearn their dependence on women, at which point they are ready to swear off regular dating and only pursue sugar relationships.