My religious muslim parents are highly suspecting that I'm dating a non-muslim man, what do I do??
Hi I just turned 18 and last week, a day after my birthday I lied to my parents (I have to, they won't let me go out ) about where I was, I told them I was at work then my mom texted me asking me where I was and I texted her I was at work, she then decided to come to my workplace and ask for me and they told her I wasn't there, when I got home I had to make up a stupid story on how I was at the mall and my friends gave me gifts, they obviously didn't believe me and forced me to quit my job. It was my only hope of moving out.
My boyfriend's family is amazing and so is he, we were simply celebrating my birthday with them they bought me a cake and light up candles for me. I would never trade my boyfriend for anything, the thing is that I'm not even religious myself, but that my family isn't aware of.
I don't know what to do and I certainly need help my parents are very toxic, they accused me of many things, as for example one time my mom asked me to get some money out for one of her relatives that just came to Canada, from my pay-check which I was doing and at the same time she calls me and accuses me of lying about the money and that I was only doing it to hide what I do with MY MONEY, THAT I WORKED FOR, they constantly insult me look in my bank account for my transactions or for any receipts in my room. The same night I got home my dad threatened me he would kill me if I ever did that again and that he didn't come to Canada for me to make a scene and destroy the family's honour. I just wanna be happy I don't get along with anyone home. I also feel terribly bad I don't want to disappoint my family in any way..I love them, I just wish I had someone to guide me through everything I'm going through.