Diverse Christian Beliefs

Hi all, I'm new to this sub. I originally started looking for a Christian sub to ask for advice about something. There's one sub that is more advice focused but it requires permission to post, but this one allows open posting, but this sub seems more theology focused so I don't know if that fits here.

Anyway, I first checked out this sub because the header and rules are very clear about accepting all Christians who align with the Nicine creed. Most subs I looked at still seem to lean one way or another on certain sensitive issues.

I don't want to start an argument about what opinion is "correct" but I see a lot of posts referring to homosexuality/ LGBTQ+ issues and it seems like people lock themselves in their respective echo chambers and block their ears from hearing anything else.

I just have 2 questions and again I don't want to start any fights of people trying to say which side is "right". 1. Why is there so much division? 2. What other topics (other than differences that distinguish demoninatons) cause separation?