This is what I’d do with The Substance
I’d use it to distribute the workload across the two bodies while keeping the matrix healthy as possible. So as the alternate, I would basically super pamper myself all week on a schedule - like Monday, matrix gets hair treatment, Tuesday full body massage, Wednesday nails and red light therapy, you feel me? I’m waking up after that week absolutely pampered and ready to go!
It’s a lot of work for the other self yes but this is only one treatment a day, the coma does a lot of the work here lol, and I go about my normal business as her in a new body that isn’t tired (and possibly doesn’t have to eat? I’m not clear on that honestly does Sue only eat the tube food?) The alternate would look close enough to me to show up for my responsibilities because this scenario does not work if not, so we’re going to assume I’m already genetically awesome - we’re going by the movie logic, the plot must go on lmao. So I’m still only going to live as long as the matrix body, but all this maintenance and TLC I’m thinking could expand the lifespan for both of us considering the downtime. This way I can literally rest every other week either way you look at it.
Obviously I’m evaluating my plan against the point of the movie, that’s not what its to illustrate yes I agree, but I like that this scenario born in my head from all this horror actually makes me feel hope and super extreme self love, you know? I would never ever ever ever leave myself on the bathroom floor all week sis. She is getting her beauty sleep that she deserves, and she is me.
But yeah clearly IRL I have been very exhausted for this to be the fantasy born from all of this lol. Before I knew she was going to grow a whole new person to inhabit, I thought it would be sort of like Beauty Water if anyone has seen that Korean animated film, where the original user is drastically changed. When she made a whole new person I was like wow that’s way better think of all you could accomplish! Then the whole week on week off thing soured that until I got to thinking… wouldn’t I love a week of good rest though….