[discussion] Popularity Contest Day 6!

Hello all! Jod here, back again for the next day of our little contest. Some more bad news, upon being summoned along with everyone else to hear the results of yesterdays poll, Abagail Pent realised that she had once again forgotten her anniversary! Before I could even tell her she had lost, her and her dearest husband Magnus boarded a ship to head to an off world impromtu vacation to make up for her forgetfulness.

And in other news, I should have paid more attention to who had been in attendance a few days prior! As it turns out, our dearest Dulcinea Septimus was actually Cytherea [redacted] and she was FURIOUS to have been voted out so soon!

Naturally this has led her to taking me hostage and forcing me to make everyone vote on her again.

Comment what you think should happen to Cytherea and the comment with the most upvotes wins!

You can be as simple or as creative as you would like. It could be as easy as voting her to be the next one off world again, or as complicated as suddenly getting super cancer again, it is up to you.

Regularly schedualed voting will resume tomorrow.

Hello all! Jod here, back again for the next day of our little contest. Some more bad news, upon being summoned along with everyone else to hear the results of yesterdays poll, Abagail Pent realised that she had once again forgotten her anniversary! Before I could even tell her she had lost, her and her dearest husband Magnus boarded a ship to head to an off world impromtu vacation to make up for her forgetfulness.

And in other news, I should have paid more attention to who had been in attendance a few days prior! As it turns out, our dearest Dulcinea Septimus was actually Cytherea [redacted] and she was FURIOUS to have been voted out so soon!

Naturally this has led her to taking me hostage and forcing me to make everyone vote on her again.

Comment what you think should happen to Cytherea and the comment with the most upvotes wins!

You can be as simple or as creative as you would like. It could be as easy as voting her to be the next one off world again, or as complicated as suddenly getting super cancer again, it is up to you.

Regularly schedualed voting will resume tomorrow.