Suggestions for quickly and effectively liquidizing an VERY large collection

Due to hardships and lack of interest in the hobby I am getting out of most toy collecting. I have an extensive collection. I own... well just about everything from the Medicos Jojo line that I have collected over the years. Countless WF exclusives, WF bonuses, all the horses and riding hands, black outfit part 5 cast, even The World Clear. I plan to sit down and sell it all but I am not really sure what the best way to sell everything is. I have so many that the countless ebay listings would probably drive me a bit batty. I thought to just pair everyone with their stand but even then, that's still a lot.

What do you guys think is the best way to sell my collection would be? I was considering perhaps doing it by part. Basically auctions of "Every part X character and their WF bonuses" or by "Villains of part X" but I fear they wouldn't sell due to it being too many and too expensive for any one buyer. I wish I could just sell everything to one buyer, but I doubt anyone has that much to shell out and finding one would take a long long time.

If you guys know what % off I should shoot for to do price to move too I would love to know. Right now I am just looking at completed listings and chopping like 10 bucks off to guestimate the price of each figure/statue.

If you all have any advice I would greatly appreciate it.

Side question, anyone have any ideas on what I might be able to sell a World Clear for right now? I know what I paid for it, but I have no idea what to even ask at this point.