Why does it matter?
But really? Why do some people have some preconceived notion as to what a submissive should look and act like in the world today? I am fairly normal. I have tattoos but nothing crazy. I don’t have bright colored hair (too hard to keep up for me. Or I might!)
I was reading a post on a different site in which this Dom said he doesn’t take a submissive seriously unless her appearance is a certain way. He feels they should be fully tatted, colored hair, face piercings, collared at all times, and…get this. Weigh under 130lbs. That no “real dom” wants a day to day look for a submissive.
I read tons of comments on how that is HIS preference and not how the world works.
That post was very judgmental. Dress how you want. Appear as you want. It shouldn’t matter.
My Daddy finds it sexy that I’m a bigger woman and look and present myself the way I do. It’s kind of fun that nobody would ever guess what I do with him and for him and that I absolutely treasure my submissive side.
Display it. Be it. Live it. How you choose!
End of my rant.