New crisis idea
Hello all,
I just want to share my idea of new type of crisis which I love to see in game.
1st of all I find end game crisis boring. It is just big fleet spawn.
With new DLC cosmic storm, what about storm or storms so huge it shake whole Galaxy. Not military crisis. Your goal is to survive.
Catastrophic storm events.
I don't know if this should be end game crisis or locked under ascendent pack like nemessis or Cosmogenesis. Like you build some sort of Beam device and fire it in central Galaxy which trigger dissasters. It will charge few years and cost lots of energy. Then chain of events randomly starts.
Imagine storm or Nature disaster which change whole Galaxy. (Mostly negative)
Whole system Can be destroyed hyper lanes can dissapier. Stars can explode (change type) and change planet types in system ( melt planet, or froze). Global dooms day. Two system Can colide into one. New system will be created.
You Can fight this with reaserch advance planetary shield generator to protect your worlds or build some kind of heaters. Change house building into shelters.
Some planets can't be saved. You will have to save pops. Ressetle will be dissabled. You have to reaserch ARC. And embark pops if your want to save them. (Something like Cosmogenesis).
Some system can be saved or even sabotaged with special projects. Imagine you can use cloaked science ship to trigger bad event in enemy Empire system.
Each pop type will be affected differently. Machine pops differently then organic. Underground units will have advance in some case...
There is lots of new oportunities.
I will love to see Non military crisis. Nature disasters or some sort of plague which will wipe out up to 80% pops. Maybe some rebels (terrorist organization) you will have to fight it with politics events and military (fleet will be useless)
Do you like this idea? Do you have more?
Thanks for feedback...