Be aware of this!! VERY IMPORTANT.

Hey, I'm Nunu. My pronouns are she/her. I'm from Argentina, so note that English is not my first language. Today I bring this situation that happened to me to spread awareness so everyone can avoid this situations. I've been playing as a non star rider since 2019.

A little over a month ago, I received a message from Anna telling me that she had seen my comment on instagram (I had posted a comment at that time on a Star stable post saying that I couldn't afford being a star rider.) She talked to me (first screenshot).

I don't know what made me trust so blindly, it's probably because I can't afford to be a star rider, and the excitement of having that experience led me to trust blindly. I started playing on that account she gave me, texting her from time to time about the account because she asked me to keep in touch. I did tons of quests and I trained almost all the horses the account had + the ones that I bought myself.

Today, she texted me saying "I'm sorry but I had to" (last screenshot). She had changed the password of the account and left another account for me. I talked to a friend who doesn't play this, and he told me that she probably she used me to do quests and train the horses (you can see in one of the lasts screenshot that she had asked me something related to this) so she could trade or sell the account. I literally just unlocked Epona yesterday, and this happened. In fact, at some point my game was interrupted because it told me that someone had logged into the account. I thought it was due to a bug, but I let her know anyway.

Now I don't even know if I'll play with that star rider account that she gave me, she will probably take that account from me too. I don't really know what to do. Now that I've experienced being a star rider I don't want to go back to my non star rider account, but that's all I've got.

You can judge me if you want, but try to put yourself in my shoes. What would you do if someone comes up with a tentative offer that you've been dreaming of for YEARS to come true? Wouldn't you accept it right away? They may also ask me "why didn't you ask him to change the password?" I was sorry. I know technically it was now "my account" but couldn't tell her.

That's my story, I'd really appreciate if you could spread awareness of this so everyone can avoid these situations. You can ask me questions in the comments, and you have my Instagram @cutieenuunu if you want more explanation.