The women on this show were super insecure, and super annoying.

None of the men singled out any of the women for being women in the show. No one made plans to pick the women off, despite that one girl started voting men off because she didn’t like seeing men happy. She got emotional and angry and they didn’t do a thing to her she looked insane.

The women turned on TJ for no reason. Before they knew being a leader would give you an advantage they all stayed silent and let TJ take the risk despite being scared he did his part and kept moral high. They mocked him behind his back like cowards and gave him the very worse starting position they could.


The women were worried the men would band together and vote them off the we’re the only people who had that sexist idea in the first place.

There were some awesome women on the show like 302. I’m just annoyed they took every opportunity to try and make this the battle of the sexs and the men didn’t even care .

I guess you can be sexist if you a chick.