Do you think we belong in this world?
Yes this world is cold, sick, demented, tormented.. the whole - system(s) power battle, energy battle, and spiritual warfare. We are all perverted, sick, and greedy in one way or another. It's pretty wild.
Here is the thing. I'm not perfect. I have a long list of sins and I'm sure you do too.
If I was raised in a different setting with different people, I wonder, would it all be any different? Are we put here to see how pure or how fd up we can be without any direction and given tests to see how far we can be pushed until submission?
Not like we will really know. Everything eventually comes to light. I won't beat you down for your sins. I guess it's our jobs to carry our own crosses. We all are dying.
If it is God's will to purify us in this hell, I guess it is all worth it.
Personally.. analyzing all of this mess, i can barely move/cope with the 3D. They say the exit is in us. I'm still growing.. but I guess liberation is really death.
I'm not sad to die. We all go anyway.
Edit: if the unwritten purpose is to atone for our wrongs, then that's fine too. But for every cause, there is an effect. Is it really our faults for being sinners?
Free discussion. Thoughts? Opinions?