Why is it that assassin's/hunters are always the ones that will take over an entire match 1v5 and carry?

I just realized how unfair some of these assassins are in the game. I feel like an Ao Kuang, a Bastet, Loki, etc, should NOT be able to decimate an entire team just because of CRIT/and attack speed. I Understand that what it's for but, most of the these gods shred through tanks like it nothing because of the auto attack, which just makes the tank a huge sitting duck.

Also, why give an assassin the ability to go stealth AND teleport?? That doesn't make any sense tbh.

It also doesn't help that the game has no legitimate dodging mechanic. I always felt like they could at least utilize the jumping mechanic more (if you can even call it that) to where it incorporates dodging /jooking of some sort. It's pretty useless at the moment.

It doesn't surprise why these types of gods are always banned in most matches. Just seems like some of their mechanics don't even fit properly in the game with the rest of the gods sometimes, like they should be in a different game entirely because they feel so out of place speed/attack wise.