Small cell lung cancer - thoughts, advice, any comments?

Just wanting some advice, thoughts, anything really that anyone will think will help… My mum (60) was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer on the 30th of April. They’ve said it’s spread to the lymph nodes and close to her stomach. At the time of the diagnosis she was still active, could walk, talk and it just seemed like she had a bad chest infection and bad throat (severely limiting her voice). She was independent and lived on her own...

The Oncologist Consultant agreed on 13th May to start chemotherapy (4 rounds) and immunotherapy after that. We did ask about life expectancy and with treatment he said 7-12 months and without he said it could be quick.

Unfortunately, a few days after this she deteriorated rapidly and was asked to come back to the hospital as some blood tests confirmed that she had poor kidneys. They resolved this issue and then they said she had fluid on her lungs. They put a drain in on the 22nd of May and the fluid is being drained. This week she has become a different person. She is confused and keeps asking "why am I in hospital", "why can't I go home" and constantly "why". We explain things to her and 5 minutes later we are having the same conversations. They did a brain scan and the cancer has not impacted her brain. She is hospital bed bound, isn't eating much and isn't speaking or engaging much and she is in the respiratory ward being monitored closely. Her voice is severely limited due to the lymph nodes being swollen and her arms and legs are swollen too, which is worrying...

Today the Oncologist nurse said that she is not fit enough for chemotherapy and given the aggressive nature of the cancer I am just wanting some thoughts on prognosis. We know it will be quick but what am I in for? Any guidance on anyone else's experiences would be appreciated. We are all at a loss and struggling to comprehend what the future holds.. I am not sure what else to ask? My head is all over..

Surprisingly, today she seemed slightly better and she keeps mentioning where certain things are in the house (jewellery, perfume, money etc). This is all quite scary and we don't know if this is a sign from her that she knows what is coming? Last few days she also didn't want me and my partner to leave her and usually she doesn't care but we are at the hospital all day long and need to come home to sort jobs, kids, cats etc.. We are asking family to visit over the weekend as she did originally tell people she had cancer but she would be getting treatment and it would be fine. It was only when we spoke to family ourselves that we realised she must be in denial of her condition…