Worst Regular Experiences?

I’ll start:

1) When a customer pays a $217.23 in cash and says “keep the change 😏” in a glib, confident tone that makes you think “oh, they must’ve been extra generous or something”. Then you get back to the POS and realize they’ve left you exactly $218.00 :) They just wanted to look cool in front of their friends/family and wanted to seem socially acceptable, but didn’t want to actually have to tip you.

Or even worse, they call the restaurant back the next day demanding that they get their tip money back because they tipped on a credit card and “didn’t mean to tip”. You mean you didn’t want to tip, but you had to so that your family and friends wouldn’t realize you’re a piece of shit.

2) “Hey guys! Welcome in—“

“—yeah yeah can we get some ice, and uhh we want this and that too. Salt and pepper.”

“ :) Sure thing, let me grab that for you 😒.”

3) “Well on your website from 10 years ago it says you had this and this????”