Constant Pain
I’ve been suffering with sciatica for 8 weeks now. I’m a flight attendant so I have been signed off duties. I’m in agony, particularly in my left calf. I’ve had a physio appointment on the NHS but was only suggested the nerve gliding (which I can’t effectively achieve due to pain).
I’m in pain standing up, sitting down, laying down etc. Only one position feels comfortable, sat up on the sofa, with head leant on the arm and left leg stretched out.
I cannot stand for more than a couple minutes. I am like a hunchback, and it’s now even worse since having to sleep like that (I’m slanted to one side as well).
I am currently taking amitriptylne and it was effective in making me drowsy but the effects have slightly worn off. I may fall asleep but will wake up an hour or so later back in pain. I cannot take NSAIDs as I have had a gastric bypass.
What can I do? Is it normal to feel like this?? How can I try and keep active when I cannot do anything.