The Elder Gods were right...
I tried Salvia around 10 yrs ago...
I was told to take the hit and hold it for a few secs..
I tried to hold the hit for more than 30 secs..
I immediately started laughing uncontrollably as per usual..
And then, I became a staircase.
A very specific staircase at my grandparents old home, where they had this creepy animatronic angel doll at the bottom that moved. I think the creepiest thing about this doll, was that you could hear the wings creaking as it moved.
After that, I was bathed in complete darkness in what felt almost like a courtroom..
Surrounding me were these dimly glowing blue heads..
I immediately felt judged by these entities.. This space felt infinitely more real than reality..
It felt like my life was nothing ,but a dream and I was waking up to the true reality beneath everything.
I was immediately infused with the information that my entire life was nothing more than a dream or an illusion.
I was then informed that I ruined this 'dream' or 'life' by smoking Salvia.
In this life, I was never supposed to try Salvia..and ,because I tried it, I ruined everything had to be reincarnated to fix things.
I then saw a hole ripping in the darkness and I could see the people I tried it with and the room we were in..
I swam towards it.. and came back to reality..
When I came back to reality I was making a puking motion and I kept telling my friend that I was going to vomit up a cartoon. Like a cartoon character was trying to come out of me.
After that I had a headache and laid down with a new bleaker look on reality..
The trip was right.. The elder gods were right.. I was never meant to smoke Salvia.. I was not meant for that type of awakening.
I've been through a lot since then and before trying it, but I'm at the point where my life actually is ruined for the most part.
And I think trying Salvia and getting into spiritual-thinking really did set me down a bad path..
I now understand what they meant when they informed me that I was never meant to try Salvia in this incarnation.
It is quite a cruel and ironic lesson.
If I never tried it I wouldn't have known that I should not have. But, if I hadn't tried it.. I probably would have never gotten obsessed with spirituality in my early 20s.Probably would've put that focus into something tangible that mattered.
As a kid I struggled with spirituality already, I was obsessed with the concept of the afterlife to the point where it made it feel like it was the only thing that truly mattered.
I almost wish I never learned about the concepts of heaven and hell.
Believing that after you die you go somewhere to live forever, really took over my mind as a kid. To me this life always seemed like nothing compared to eternity in the afterlife. It felt like the afterlife was more important than anything...
But, after Salvia I really started to get into things like simulation theory and that 'spirit science' shit on youtube..
The 'spiritual' side of things.. made reality feel pointless..
This isn't the only or even the main reason my life is ruined, but I just feel like all the focus I put into 'spirituality' could've been used to amount to something.. like becoming a teacher or a doctor or a computer scientist..
That 'promise' of an afterlife and the 'spiritual realm' always distracted me from what really mattered in the present..
If you are a deeply traumatized young person looking toward 'spirituality' for fulfillment..
Seek your truth elsewhere. Please. I'm begging you.
Don't worry about the judgements of others like I did, be yourself. Join a club. Start a hobby. Learn an instrument.
I wasted my life searching for the Ultimate Truth of Reality, because of my irrational fear of death as a child.
I just HAD to know if God was real.. if we were a simulation.. If the afterlife or the spirit world was real.
I just could not let it go.. Knowing I might die one day and cease to exist forever fueled this inner search..
Now.. I crave death more than ever, knowing what I lost through my search for the truth.
The truth was that I was supposed to worry less and enjoy THIS life more..
I'm pretty much at the end of my search, and I'm not very satisfied with the results.
I just feel empty, used, and wasteful.
If you suffer from deep trauma, don't go searching for God or what lies beyond reality.. Religion and church are fine if that works for you.'
But.. I'm serious..
You probably won't ever find that ultimate truth.. and when you do.. you'll realize you've wasted your life
In shorter terms.. I feared death so much that I wasted my life searching for proof of the afterlife and now I crave death more than ever. How ironic. It's like one of those tragic comedies.