I’m a little scared

My husband works away 3.5 months of the year every winter. He dose security on ships, he’s alone on a huge ship. Not a lot to do. He will shovel snow and then just eat food and lounge around all day. (Im a little jealous haha but also thankful we can afford bills) last time my baby was newborn. And i did well. This time my baby is 12 months old. Normally my husband participates in bath time and also does a lot of nights with our daughter.we work well as a team. I do all of the cleaning cooking so he takes over the nights and we alternate early mornings, I’m very thankful. And I’m not going to lie I’m a little scared about getting into the routine alone! I know since she’s not used to mama giving her her paci/a bottle now and then when she wakes up, as soon as she sees me she’s going to be WIDE AWAKE 😅I’m also not used to doing bath time alone so I have to get used to being alone.that I’m not as worried about because I’ve done it alone lots of times so I know I can do it. But also the loneliness! Idk. Anyone else experience this?