3s is actually horrible in diamond lobbies

I’m GC 3 in 2s and GC 1 in 1s, but I’ve never played ranked 3s before. So when I first started, my MMR was 600. As I played and neared the end of my placements, I was facing diamond level opponent probably around Diamond 1 by the end.

I swear, my teammates haven’t improved since my sixth placement match. I almost won every game, but damn, I had to play like it was a 5v1. I was passing and doing everything a 3s player should, but the consistency just wasn’t there. The saving was horrendous, I constantly had to cut them off just to make a save. It also sucks because players in Diamond 3s can hit the ball more often, but almost every touch is either toward the enemy team or into their own corner, making it harder to take control of the game. It felt like a lot of these players belonged in Plat or even Gold.

So for those who complain that their teammates are holding them back in Diamond 3s. I don’t blame you. After climbing out of this hellish rank, the games instantly became much easier. Around Champ 2, players finally start to feel decently consistent, and I don’t have to take control of the whole game.

For anyone stuck in these ranks, I highly recommend queuing up with teammates you can trust. Have better touches and don’t just bang the ball anywhere. And stop airrolling. I swear, everyone in these ranks can’t airroll properly, get the worst touches, or completely miss the ball. Play Rocket League like the players from the first RLCS.

Edit: I reached GC 1 solo queuing, and honestly, Diamond feels like the hardest rank. Players rarely expect passes and instead anticipate solo plays, which makes teamwork frustrating. Actually, it's still a thing even in champ. On top of that, positioning is a mess—when it’s obvious the ball is heading to the right side of the field, instead of pre-reading and positioning accordingly, players just chase the ball. It’s funny because Champ felt way easier to rank up in. I think I only lost about four games in all of my Champ matches, whereas I lost around 15 games in Diamond.

I’m not a noob at 3s, though. I scrim with my homies who range from GC 2 to SSL, and one of them was even planning to play in the CRL. I also love analyzing RLCS games as it’s one of my hobbies. So I’d say my knowledge of 3s isn’t too bad.

Edit 2: I genuinely believe that Diamond players tend to rely on their teammates to cover up their mistakes. That's why these players who if they played in 2s would be at max Platinum. Even in GC 1 solo queued, games can still feel disconnected at times.

I decided to queue up for 3s with my homies, who are both SSL in 2s and 1s. It’s funny because they’re also only GC 1 in 3s and wow, these lobbies were so easy. These GC 1 lobbies felt like low-Diamond lobbies. The only time we struggle is when we go up against a full team of players who are also around GC 2 to SSL in 2s. But even then, having good chemistry makes the games feel much easier.

I just have to say playing with my homies versus randoms is night and day. Honestly, I feel like I can hit SSL again, but this time in 3s. Currently GC 2, Division 1 and crazy enough, solo queuing 3s in Diamond was way harder. I wonder why Squishy never made a road to SSL in 3s.