What hours in the game really means

Today I just realised something amazing. I've been watching Squishy vids and he often says things like "of course you can't do this because you don't have 9k+ hours in the game". Others say similar things, there are posts with number of hours etc, a Wayton video on hours per rank. I never really thought about what that all means.

In Australia, a salaried worker, in simplest terms, works 37.5 hours per week for about 46 weeks of the year. This means in one year, you work 1725 hours per year. So when Squishy says he has 9k+ hours in this game, what he is really saying that if you treated playing RL like a job, you would have to play FOR OVER FIVE YEARS to match him for hours. Plus, he's probably always going to be waaaay better than you even with the same hours which is why he went pro in the first place.

So enjoy the Flakes and Squishy etc Road 2 SSL vids as entertainment and maybe even a few tips, but remember you are doing just fine with your P3 rank after 600 hours, because you only solo q 2's for 1-2 hours a few nights a week when you're buggered after working all day, have done some chores, and have had 2 beers. Cut yourself some slack.