In the AFTERLIFE there is a group of absolute psychopaths known as "THE COUNCIL". They pass judgement on Deceased Humans who refuse to obey...
After Physical Death all humans who do not escape or remain on Earth as Ghosts, are sent to the Astral Afterlife. It is a place very similar to our world. In that dimension there is a group of self described "Ascended Masters" called "The Council".
This ridiculous "council" is real, and considers themselves to be among the highest power in this Universe. Right below the Satanic Demiurge. All of these entities are members of the Cult of Saturn. The Global Elite worship these crazed parasites. They promote the White Light Trap to capture deceased humans, and send them into the controlled Astral Afterlife.
People in the Astral Afterlife who break rules, are sent to appear in front of the "The Council" (they are also known as the "Lords of Karma").
Although all of this sounds absurd, it is actually real. Those sleazy lying piles of trash portray themselves as the Ultimate Authority, and they pass cruel judgement on deceased humans who get out of line. They have been seen numerous times in the Near Death Experience cruelly treating humans, and lying to them by forcing them back to "continue their mission".
Anyone who is captured in the Astral Afterlife and is brought in front of them; should tear them apart with all the energy you have. They will put on a very big show to try to terrify the Targeted Human. They will attempt to break you down into kneeling horrified slave.
It will be difficult for most people, but do not let them scare you.