What do the guildmasters want grom each other?

My players are representatives of the guildpact chamberand next session they're going to responsible for mediating a meeting between several of the guildmasters before they can convince the guildmasters to help them. I need help coming up with ideas of things for the guildmasters to fight about and what the players can do to help.

For context, at this point in my game the entire city is in turmoil suffering from guildless riot after being repeatedly bombed. The leaders of the guilds the party has good rep with, are finally willing to meet to discuss how they can help but of course politics are going to get in the way.

The guildmasters attending are: momir (simic), dovin (azorius), aurelia (boros), Borborygmos (gruul), teysa (orzhov as a rep for Obzedat), trostani (selesnya as rep for mat'selesnya), vraska (golgari).

Any ideas or help is appreciated as always.