Adult Idiots

I was working at my mother’s bar.

I work one hour a day, and on Fridays and Saturdays, I work 3-4 hours.

My mind slowly starts to go crazy (For vary reasons) as my mother criticizes me for my poor work habits.

An old man walked by and said, “You better do well, or you’ll be fired.” (I’m 15 years old.)

I said, “Who cares? It’s not like it affects me.”

They said something like, “Yes, but you’ll have to work.” “Yes, but how will you buy food?” “What will you do?” “How will you live”

And said “This is not China or something” (I’m Chinese) I want to say that China is exactly like this, and this shows how little information they have.

I responded with common sense.

They replied with things like, “They still don’t understand.”

I want to add how they keep repeating me what to do like if I didn’t know. They just never question why i’m like this (And i was exactly doing the same thing, just with low energy)

I swear if I ever go completely insane they’re my first victims.

Am i wrong?