How to help my best friend

My best friend (24f) of 10 years has been diagnosed with psychosis in the last 4 years maybe just under. She has always suffered with bad mental health, but this seems to stem from drug use or been made worse so by drugs. I left to work abroad maybe 6 years ago and she fell into a group of people who did more than just smoke weed, she got into shrooms, LSD, coke ect. When i moved back to our home country and we reunited she was saying things when she came to my house that even she didn't believe, quite damaging things that would ruin lives of others, just things she'd put out and take back hours later. She seemed distant and didn't make much convo or respond to what i was saying half the time which wasn't like her. I obviously noticed there was something up, I messaged her parents and from there was when she was admitted to hospital as they hadn't noticed, but when they heard they were worried too as they had no idea their daughter was hooked on very strong drugs.

Right now, she has been on meds for 2 years or so, the doctors have been upping her dosage to the legal limit and she is still really not well. Things seemed to be getting better around last summer for her birthday, when she came out the house for the first time with me and we went to see a show she wanted to see, although she was a lot slower paced due to meds, she almost seemed to have made massive improvements.

The people she says are terrorizing her is the police, I have a few years mental health experience as I have been around people in my family also suffering badly, or my parents working in a hospital specializing in mental health, so I understand this is what she is hearing and is obviously very real and scary to her. I don't quite know how to approach it, to play along or to tell her there is no police. I don't wanna make her any worse.

She is still in hospital, under care, which is great! I've not heard from her in a few days so I reached out to check she was okay, to which i was told "the police have told me I can't talk to you anymore, I will be in touch when I can." I just don't want to message her and hound her, I let her know I was there if she ever needed me and that I loved her, I don't want to leave her be but I do think this is what's best in this situation.

Does anyone have any experience in drug related psychosis, when someone is resilient to meds? Will she ever get any better or is this her life now? I will always be there, as I love the girl as my sister, but for her this is heartbreaking as she is so fucking scared of herself and I feel awful for her to go through this, seemingly, without any support. Thank you for any help anyone can give me


My best friend has been suffering for 4 years and I'm wondering if there is any way i can help her through this when drugs have been involved with her in the past.