Shiny Object Syndrome

I work for a small b2b company that is not doing so well.

Here is how we prioritize:

  1. We (CEO + sales) talk to existing and potential customers, and report back to us what the market is demanding
  2. We agree about what to work on. I and our designer jump on a few calls with the customers to understand what their problem actually is, and how to make a good solution
  3. We scope, design, and build it
  4. It turns out that the customers didn't have money enough / decided to go with something else / is not ready to change from their excel sheets

At this point I would like to talk to them about why we are not solving it well enough that they drop everything to go use it?

But instead of doing that, our CEO has talked to some other people that wants a different feature. So we never get to improve the feature to the point that it becomes great.

Result after a few years of doing this: I honestly think we have a pretty cool platform that can do 80% of what you would want in many cases. But you are never really blown away. If anything you are blown away by how much width the platform has, but not the depth/quality of anything.

I can tell our developers are getting demotivated by working on so many features that no one really wants to use.

I think we should focus on one thing, that the market is actually asking for, and then do that really great. Clearly, my CEO does not think so.

How have you dealt with a similar situation before?