Season 5 UO thougts
I binge watched all seasons, I haven't saw before more than season 1&2. I was really upset and disappointed season 4 ending.. yeah it was touching etc.. but you can't "kill" Michael. So many have said that season 5 is bad and ruins everything but I disagree! I don't like the first episodes, all that Yemen and isil thing.. that was boring.. but when they leaved there it's get so much better!! And the last episodes, especially last 2(?) was awesome!!! I REALLY wanted boring happy ending, after all that had happened i really needed that :DD Bad guys is out of the pictures and Michael is alive and healthy and back with his family!!
Yep, I think this is better than the season 4 ending.
And no need for the 6 season! (I know it's not coming but still)
Do anyone here agree?