Fighting Monotype / Serene Crystal
Typhlosion in this rom hack is Ice/Fighting type.
Ursaring is Dark/Fighting type.
Loppunny is Normal/Fighting
Ledian is Bug/Fighting with buffed stats to attack and special.
Dark is physical and Ghost is special. There is no physical or special split, but Annihilape's Rage Fist even not fully charged still hits too hard and can clean house. So far this has been a really fun challenge since I had all of my bases covered with psychic, normal, and ghost immunities while having answers to flying types thanks to Typhlosion. Farfetch'd is also another fighting Mon you can get early in golden rod city through in game trade that replaces Machop. Strong early to mid game but falls off near the end. It's still very useabel with ground immunity. Machamp is another great option but always used one so decided not to use it and Heracross is slightly better with stats but Ledian can learn the elemental punches.