My one year old (14 months) is hitting
I’ve done some research on why my baby would be hitting/grabbing/biting/pinching and Google says it’s totally normal behaviour a baby her age should show when exploring the world around them. And for the most part I agree. BUT when she gets angry about something she comes for my face. She will grab/hit harder than ever when she’s upset. So although some of it is normal exploratory behaviour some of it is real aggression and that really worries me. I want my daughter to have an amazing life! Without any obstacles caused my dealing with aggression. I want her to make friends even early on in life. But I’m at a loss of how to teach her/guide her through this behaviour. I’ve tried moving her away from my face and then taking her hand to gently touch my face and praise her. But it just doesn’t work because she will either throw herself back or grab me when I’m trying to guide her hand.
Do you guys have any advice on how i can teach my baby a better skill to use when she’s upset. I’m at a loss on how i can teach her being this age. But I really want to!
And as for the “normal” grabbing and overall roughing me up when I sit with her🥲I’d like to teach her gentle hands overall. Is this just something I have to wait out? or is there something I can do to help her learn to not beat up mama so much! as sometimes I have to stop playing/attempting to cuddle because it stresses me out.