I want to die so badly.
Im 16F and have had POTS for 7 months now. I know 7 months isn't that long of a time but this illness has absolutely ruined me. My mental state was bad before this but it got even worse. I wake up everyday, do the same thing, then go to bed and repeat. I can barely walk, I'm too anxious to see my family, Some part of my body has to hurt for hours at a time, I feel so shitty everyday and no one seems to actually care. I've tried meds, tried exercise, none of it really helps me. I had a future planned for myself but its all gone now. I had to drop out of highschool, I lost ALL of my friends, I pushed my family away. I've been bed-bound for 4 months now and its driving me insane. Yes I have been doing therapy but its not helping. I can barely even find the motivation to brush my teeth. Nothing makes me happy anymore, not video games, not drawing, literally nothing. It just feels like I'm an emotionless blob that just wastes away in bed. Even my parents get shocked when I smile, death literally feels like the only option to get away from this pain. And im not scared to die anymore, I don't want to be stuck like this forever. My doctors don't care, no one cares and im all alone. I dont know what to do anymore.