How do I find a career

How do I find a career that is accessible with this condition?

I basically I had to drop out of college (I have a 2 year degree that’s it) because of how bad my chronic illnesses are. I have POTS and endometriosis and they both impact my daily life tremendously. Going back to school is just not in the books for me right now because I don’t really have the option to not work while I’m in school and I can’t do both because of how sick I am. Right now I’m a server but I only work 2-3 days a week and that pays my bills because I’m really good at it but if I work any more than those 2-3 days I go into a flare. However im not making enough money to be able to save up for anything.

I thought about going into the work force but there is just absolutely no way that I can work 40 hours a week which is what most jobs require. I want to be able to start a career in something. I don’t want to be a server forever it’s just not sustainable. But a career would require me to work more than I could handle.

I thought about doing work from home jobs but I have no idea how to even get into that and I don’t have a degree.

What kinds of jobs do you guys have?