Hot Take: "Ex-Fiancee/ML suddenly taking an interest in the MC when she rejects them" is overdone and lazy

I know it's a popular trope so I'm prepared to get downvoted for this, but I REALLY need this off of my chest.

I can't help but get a little tired everytime I see post go up that goes like "Ewww, why is he suddenly interested in her now that she's not interested in HIM?"

Guys. Guys. You're asking a Watsonian question with something that has a Doylist answer.

There's very little actual in-universe reason for it to happen beyond "oh some people are just like that", it's usually a contrivance of the author. Because they want the story to also be a revenge fantasy without actually thinking of how to make the Ex-Fiancee/ML's sudden turn actually make sense or work beyond "oh yeah some people are just like that.".

This makes it almost ALWAYS feel forced, and I daresay unearned a lot of times it happens because it feels like the story itself is contorting so that it does.

I feel about tit the same way I feel about "Father hates MC because Mom died in childbirth"- as a trope it's fine on its own but now it's just SO damn CHEAP.

I'm not gonna rag on someone who enjoys it because this trope was honestly one of the things that drew mean into Otome Isekai. But man, after years of reading stories in the genre, "Ex-Fiancee/ML is suddenly interested" has just gotten bland. It's gotten boring and lazy especially when it either forgoes writing an actual interesting antagonist.

I'm totally fine with Revenge/Regret st uff in stories, they just need to feel earned by the MC and not something gift-wrapped for them on a silver platter for me to enjoy. It's eye-rolling when they suddenly fall for her or things fall into place the moment she lifts a finger. It's satisfying when it actually comes from her work directly or indirectly.