Need Help With G/P Doflamingo

After mentioning to a friend that I had started reading One Piece a few weeks ago, he recommended me to try out the game. I've since been playing for almost two weeks, and after a few local events with the same deck, I'm looking at branching out. I started out with mono blue Doffy, since I liked him as a character, and he had a starter deck, which gave me an easy starting point to both learn the game, as well as upgrade the list and bring it to speed with the current meta. Now that I've got both the game and that deck down pat, I want to give something new a try, and because Doflamingo is one of my favorite characters, I want some help building his G/P variant.

I've done my best to gather what I could find from existing decklists, discussions of the leader, and even spoilers from the upcoming set, Royal Blood, and now I just need help adjusting the numbers of the cards in the list (I know the next set won't be out for over a month, but I'd still like to keep anything upcoming in mind, it doesn't hurt to have upgrades prepared for when they do release). I'm no stranger to deckbuilding, as I have been playing card games for most of my life, most notably having played Magic competitively for the better part of 6 years, but unlike those games, I am not as well-versed in this game's meta, staples, or even just general card library. Like I've mentioned, I've found what I could, but if there is anything that I am either missing and should include in this list, or things that I can do without and need cut, I'm all ears. I'll add both a link to the LimitlessTCG list, as well as the text version, since I know other tcg subs can be particular about what they want, and I look forward to any and all help I recieve!

Edit: I feel like I should probably mention this, but I'm not too concerned about running the most optimal list. My lgs has a wide range in power level, and unlike Magic, I have no intentions to take this game much further beyond just my friends and local shops. That being said, I'd still like to have a powerful and optimized list, but my priority is what I'll have fun with, first and foremost.

Donquixote Doflamingo (OP04-019)

Baby 5 (OP04-032)

Baby 5 (OP05-034)

Sugar (OP10-065)

Sugar (OP04-024)

Viola (OP04-021)

Donquixote Doflamingo (OP09-031)

Queen (ST04-005)

Donquixote Rosinante (OP10-072)

Hody Jones (OP06-035)

Eustass"Captain"Kid (ST10-013)

Sanji (OP09-065)

Donquixote Doflamingo (OP10-071)

Donquixote Rosinante (OP04-119)

Eustass"Captain"Kid (OP01-051)

Charlotte Linlin (OP08-069)

Donquixote Doflamingo (OP04-031)

Off-White (EB01-019)

Slow-Slow Beam Sword (OP07-076)

Punk Gibson (OP01-058)

Spiderweb (OP04-035)

Conquerer of Three Worlds Ragnaraku (EB01-039)

Birdcage (OP05-040)