Is my mom a bad person!?

Is my mom a bad person ? I think I have mommy issues. I have grown resentment towards my mother and idk what to do about it. For outsider she's really a good mother and probably is but sometimes I don't really like her.

She's a working woman and was pretty busy with her work. By the time she would come home she was too exhausted to cook...

1) she would sometimes give me 5 rupees to go get Maggie and eat it, if i cried from hunger or would just say that I'll prepare later on and don't disturb me.

2) she never visited my school for any parents teacher meetings

3) she never braided my hair and would always cut them too short, when I started growing them out i had to braid my own hair which looked super shabby and would get me bullied in school bcoz of my untidiness

4) She would curse me and call me 'ra*nd' and other curse words when mad

4) she would beat me in childhood ( from zhadu to belan ). I had my gathering in school where I needed to wear a bun, but my hair being short it was difficult for her to tie them up. She got frustrated and beat me with comb.

5) she never really took interest in my studies but expects good marks from me. Though she says it's fine if I'm not a topper but would get mad if I scored low.

6) whenever I cry bcoz of her behaviour and my dad gets angry she blames me for it, saying I must feel pretty satisfied after getting them to fight

7) whenever I ask her for anything I get denied. I have severe acne on my face, back, arms and chest. But she refuses to take me to dermat bcoz she doesn't wanna spend money. I was bullied for years bcoz of acne .

8) She always degrades & shames my dad bcoz her earns half her salary.

9) She didn't get me a bra until I was 17 thankfully my breasts aren't too huge so it didn't look as bad. I even have to beg her to get me new undies and stuff. When I had my second period (1st was when I was at my aunt's house) I have severe cramps and she just dismissed them saying it's normal.

10) she's super lazy and leaves mess behind, we always have to clean up after her

11)In 10th, I had morning school and she wouldn't wake up early to prepare tiffin, so I would often go without tiffin or get something from outside & Would stay hungry till 1 pm. In 11th my dad started preparing tiffin for me .

12) I was in daycare till 3rd class and would have to pack my bag+ uniform + shoes + tiffin etc etc and would forgot to pack hair belt most of the days, this would get me scolded soo much in school.

13) whenever I have somewhere to go she would always refuse it and i have to ask my dad for everything.

14) she over spend so much on clothes and unnecessary stuff but refuses to give us money for basic things

15) she never ever asked me how my day was and if I ever shared it, she would just shut me. She also doesn't like to be physically touched by me and slaps me or pushes me away if I ever hug her.

16) last year we bought KIA seltos and I went to each and every showroom visit and was there for everything till our delivery day. That day she didn't let me do Puja of our car which I was super excited for (bcoz I was on my periods), I feel so outcasted by her. She kept saying it's my brother's car and what not and let him cut the cake and asked me to stand aside. I cried a lot after coming home.

Sorry for spelling mistakes and bad grammar, I am just frustrated and want to get this off my chest.