Boots by Rudyard Kipling

Hello everyone, me again. A few minutes ago, I heard the poem Boots and, to me it seems to be very easy to interpret differently for others... If you know what I mean?

Anyways, while listening to it for a long time, this poem genuinely reminded me of my OCD, ESPECIALLY the parts "Try-try-try-try to think of something different, Oh-my-God-keep-me from going lunatic!" and "Don't-don't-don't-don't look at what's in front of you".

I interpret the "Try to think of something different" part as the compulsions and trying to run away from the thought, while I see the "Keep me from going lunatic" part as ALSO running away from the thoughts, the horrible feelings of embarrassment and shame from the thoughts, also my intrusive feelings that pop up when I get a thought / get my OCD triggered, then "Don't look at what's in front of you" as in don't let the disgusting thoughts slide at all, and also the feelings of shame again. Pretty much the same things or not...

I'm absolutely not comparing OCD to war, but I just wanted to share my view of this poem and how I resonate with it. Not only are the context and words interesting and deep already, but I can't describe how deeper it feels when I think of it like this.

Apologies if the wording/format is weird or complicated by the way 🙏🏻