Role expectations

I'd really appreciate a wider perspective on this.

I often find that on the ward, non-clinical and support staff can become resentful which causes toxicity on the ward, and I want to understand how much of it is valid and how much is down to them not fully grasping a nurse’s role and responsibilities.

For context, I’ve spent years working as a carer and support worker, so this isn’t a knock at all and I genuinely appreciate everything they do. But having now stepped into a nursing role (NQN, six months in), I can appreciate the weight of responsibility that comes with it. As a support worker, I worked incredibly hard, but at the end of the day, I could go home without worrying that a mistake could put patients at risk or end my career. That’s a very different kind of pressure.

I definitely pull my weight and try to be a team player, but I sometimes wonder if, because of my background, I don’t advocate enough for my role—or if I should be rolling up my sleeves more.

Some examples:
- Our ward domestic seems quite resentful when called to clean up spills (blood, poos etc.). I completly understand that she may be busy but we're not trying to get out of it as we think it’s beneath us—it’s because we physically can’t do it. If I had the time, I’d have no issue mopping, but at the end of the day, no one else can be administering meds or prepping IVs. Neither can the support workers leave at times and it's not like the domestic can step in to do washes or special.

  • Similarly, I feel like some of the experienced support workers seem to expect me to be more hands-on with personal care, meals, etc. I would love to help with these things, and I often do as I want to be a team player and show them I'm willing to roll up my sleeves alongside them, but it does come as a detriment to the work I am responsible to do and I struggle with that balance.

Please advise on appropriate expectations. As I do question if I expect too much/ too little.