I need more Connell & Marianne

I imagine people who watched this series when it came out have had 4 years to get over the heartbreaking ending and are now leading healthy lives free of post-NP trauma but as someone who recently finally got around to watching the show, I need more, damnit!

Sally Rooney may have achieved what she sought to explore with the story and the ending reflects that and I believe in the authenticity of artistic expression so I can understand her reluctance to extend the story, but in a time where we are lambasted with unsolicited sequels, I really think there's a real opportunity to dry the udders on this one. Well, at least the series, anyway.

The chemistry between Paul and Daisy kind of hijacked the already somewhat shallow narrative and really drove home that the story was an almost voyeuristic investigation of the intimacy between two people, and I think that alone can drive another production. I'll settle for a 90 minute film if it means I get to see some more Connell and Marianne interaction.