Wondering if NB is the label that fits me

Hi, first time posting here. I've been questioning for maybe a year, and I want opinions.

tl;dr: I identify as male but I don't feel like I entirely fit in with "masculinity". I wish if my body was androgynous. Is non-binary an appropriate term for person like me?

I never had problem identifying as male, but I wish I had more androgynous body. Looking at myself in a mirror and seeing masculine body feature makes me a bit sad because I think "I'll never look the way I want to, and I'll never really be happy with my body". I often look up images of of twink/femboy individuals and wish I looked like them, although I do not wish to wear skirts or be treated like female. Funny thing is, I often wish that I looked androgynous enough so I could pass as female. I have a trans male friend and he can pull of both masculine and feminine look, which I wish I was able to do so. I recently started growing my hair long, and I like how I look (given that arm/leg/chest hairs are hidden and I'm wearing a mask that hides my stubble & jawline).

Some of things from my childhood which makes me think I might not be entirely cis:

- I never liked stereotypically male toys like dinosaurs and soldiers, though I did like cars. Once my uncle bought me black T-rex and buff-macho man action figure for my B day, and I thought "he clearly has no idea what kind of toys I like".

-Once I was mistaken for my sister when I was around 8, and I remember looking back at that memory with sort of comfort/happiness. On similar note, there's this photo of me in kindergarten where I look like a girl, and I remember finding the photo pleasing.

-For school we had to buy a sewing kit, and we had to choose a design from a list. I didn't like any of the "boy" designs (like dragons or black/red stripes) so I picked a simple blue one with white stars, which was supposed to be "girl" design (but I thought it was gender neutral).

-I have fantasized about dressing up in female-passing manner to stranger so they think I'm female. This was in purely fictional context (e.g. I was a spy and I was in disguise), and I don't think I ever wanted to do it irl.

-I read about hormone replacement therapy online and I thought I'd kinda wanna try that. When I hit puberty and started growing body hair I didn't like it. I still don't like body hair (especially chest hair), but I suppose I have gotten used to them somewhat.

-I read about intersex people and thought they were cool. I thought it would be cool for me to have a body that was neither strictly male or feminine. Would it be weird to wish to be intersex so your body fits your identity better?

Sorry for wall of text, thanks for reading.