Do women enjoy men’s body during sex?

Guys get aroused looking and feeling a woman's body during sex. I feel like women don't experience the same thing in almost all cases and almost always get turned only on the fact that a guy is getting aroused because of their body instead of getting aroused because of the guy's body they are with. So what I mean is women get aroused by the feeling of being desired and loved rather than getting aroused by admiring a man's body. I think a male body's effect on a woman's arousal is "meh" at best for the overwhelming majority of women, even if the man has a very good looking physique in the eyes of the woman, so probably a lean, athletic physique with some visible muscle mass. Like when I see a sex scene in a movie where the male actor has an average body, it doesn't feel real and sincere when the female actor seems to enjoy the guy's body, she only does that because it is a movie I think. I was doing foreplay with my girlfriend and told her that my favorite part of the female physique is the hip curve and asked her what she likes about the male body. She said nothing and told me that confidence is very attractive for girls. That made me feel quite sad and frustrated and made me think like this, what do you think?