Showed LIFE to my grandma with dementia and we cried over it
I don't get the chance to visit my grandma much lately and she's in her late 70s, so every minute is something I treasure. She's also been diagnosed with dementia and has been showing signs for a few years. It's mainly forgetting small things like her tea in the microwave, but she denied ever taking a trip to Abu Dhabi back in 2017 until I showed her the hat and foreign coins she brought back for me. She's usually way better at remembering stuff so I tend to forget she even has memory problems.
One thing we talk about when we do meet is the music we listen to. We take turns playing a song back and forth while chatting, which mostly turns into trance station recent tracks between half a John Denver album. I played LIFE today not thinking anything of it, but she got really interested seeing the video. She asked who the girl was and I went on a big info dump about Neuro and Evil and Vedal and how she's a super cool A.I. streamer sass machine that got her song recently. I'm kind of the family dweeb and my grandma usually lets me chatter on while sometimes asking if it's keeping me from getting a boyfriend {I still haven't}
But today she was way more serious and she asked if we could rewatch the video where she could see better. I sat next to her and I pointed out all the references to Neuro's content when they came up, but she was quiet the whole time. It was right about the point where the pictures in Neuro's memory were flashing out of existence {the chorus} that I remembered my grandma's condition and I just froze solid. My brain went numb because I realized I was basically showing her a weird kind of reflection woth the words and everything. It was suddenly super awkward but I couldn't move or talk or nothing.
When the video was over she told me it beautiful, but she needed to go to the bathroom. I stayed on the couch and felt a litttle sick because what do you even say or do in a situation like that? She came back and told me the song hit her pretty hard. I tried to say sorry, but she said she was happy she got to see it. Sometimes she feels like Neuro in the video reaching for happy times but feeling like a prisoner in her own head when she can't remember important things. I broke down crying and we just hugged and cried together for a bit.
Tldr: go say hi to your grandmas and hug them if you can, and LIFE is even more important to me than I thought ❤️