NOPD -> 2nd interview (psych review)NOPD -> 2nd interview (psych review)

Hello All,

I was previously NOPD for some simple things back in march, i. retook the test, did written, and then oral. I thought the interview with Dr.Garrido went fairy well. I didn't try to minimize anything from my past, took ownership, and explained how I matured from it. She didn't request any docs, but im not sure if she received my old psych file. If she did she didn't mention it at all.

I took the test Monday, and called CAD this morning and they said im on psych review. Does everyone go on psych review, or is it because of my previous NOPD, or both.

Dont want to get my hopes up, but I think 2nd time is the charm.

My past consists of high school fights (3) which i explained when I was young I let my emotions get the better of me and I should have got the school staff involved, and a few tickets, which I explained I wasnt proud of, but have taken steps to be a better and safer driver and to obey all rules.

That pretty much sums up the interview.