Peak white feminism- Paige Desorbo

Does anyone find it really interesting that of the bedsores (who I love) Ciara is the only one who posts about current events and social issues and publicly helped get people registered to vote and make change but her friends Paige and Hannah never have anything to say? I get not being involved in politics or choosing to endorse a candidate or something but for people who are so extremely loud and vocal about the unfairness of being women and the treatment they personally experience from men or just living in a patriarchal society they could use their platform to like…do something about it especially right now? I get their whole schtick is not taking things seriously but it’s so hard to watch them create more wealth, influence, and privilege and see Paige only post about her immediate problems and life and she and Hannah are branded a “feminist icon girlie pop queen” but like there are real life issues that are impacting women, people of color, and her literal cast mates that she could use her platform do something about instead of always bitching about her own problems?

She’ll also post rap songs and captions on her story with Black slang/phrases now too like “I’m outside” or “period” but I don’t see her caring about all the many current issues in recent years that impact POC like her Black, bestie cast mate Ciara? Guess if it doesn’t impact her own little bubble she doesn’t give a shit.

EDIT: I agree with some of the things she points out about double standards for women and how we’re expected to mother men and settle in heteronormative relationships, etc. but my point is she’s unpacked a very small piece of a much bigger puzzle and I think if you’re gonna complain about misogyny soso much I’d just like to see her dig into WHY these problems exist and actually support real women and women’s causes. And maybe even not just ones in positions of privilege or that only look like her. Idk maybe she doesn’t know how. But idk literally she was in journalism and her and her Giggly Squad/Summer House friends could do so much with their charisma and influence by just opening up the conversation with people who know more about these topics by just asking questions and being curious about things based on her experiences of sexism of whatever the issues are. Maybe this isn’t her thing, maybe she’s fine as long as she gets her bag at the end of the day, fine. But it would be so encouraging to see some of these women banding together and actuallllly supporting other women😭 Because supporting each other and banding together—that is actually how you take down the patriarchy, girl.