2022 New York Comic Con Trading Post

For those looking to sell, purchase, or trade for a ticket, this is the office thread to do so! READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING OR RISK A BAN. Sidebar rules are still in effect for this thread! Ignorance of the rules is not an accepted excuse.


Formatting Rules:

Bold text if you're selling, buying, or trading. We will delete posts that do not follow the format.


Selling: 2 Thursday Tickets @price,

Buying: 2 Sunday Passes, or

Trading: 3 Friday Tickets for 3 Saturday Tickets

Please DELETE your post if your tickets have been sold or you've already received your tickets.

Thread Rules:

-All ticket sales on the thread are to be at face value plus tax and shipping OR LESS. No mark ups allowed. Please report anyone who is selling at mark up or tries to buy for more than face value.

-Do not post your request on the trading forums more than once!

-New accounts posting on the trade thread will most likely have their posts deleted and accounts banned.

-Selling/buying/trading anything outside of the trading post on /r/NYCC is prohibited.

-Deals made are at your own risk. /r/NYCC is not here to moderate any of your dealings.

-Do no post questions about buying from a third party such as stubhub or ebay.

-Do not post any LINKS to any third party.

-You must have ticket IN HAND+PROOF in order to sell AND POST AN IMAGE WITH OF TICKETS!

Mods will have the discretion to ban users or delete any posts that do not adhere to the spirit of the guidelines.

I understand people are also frustrated that scalpers have begun to sell their tickets on ebay, stubhub, etc. The best way you can combat this is not to buy any tickets from the scalpers and remind your friends the same. Further, report the sales to NYCC directly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ticket Price Reference:

Thursday: $67.75

Friday: $67.75

Saturday: $67.75

Sunday: $67.75

4-Day: $212.75